hello raine co.

Let's take your unique brand story and create content that flows and connects with your dream clients.

You know: the kind that makes them feel like they're sitting on a sunny patio with you sipping iced coffees and swapping stories and theories on the newest Taylor album. 


my mission

giving you the confidence and clarity in your brand you've been dreaming about.

here's how i help you  build a brand that feels like you:

let's do this!!

Clarity and confidence in your brand - so you can create content with ease. We'll go deep into who you are as a brand, so you can leave with a deep understanding of your brand, and a custom content strategy & ideas to boot. 



Brand Identity Map:
   Brand story, values, voice, mission,             positioning, archetype, client profile
Content Strategy
Visual guidance
Notion board (includes custom content)
2 60 min meetings
3-4 week timeline

spa day


For the busy af girlie who wants to show up on socials, but feels like she's treading water in a sea of gurus and ever-changing algorithms. Content strategy that suits YOU and custom ideas in an organized board. No more inspo-scrolling, it's time for you to step into your own authority. 

1 60 minute meeting
Content Audit
custom Content Strategy
Notion social media planning board with custom content ideas
1 week timeline

cold plunge


Maybe you've hit a plateau, maybe you're at a fork in the road. Cold plunges give you serious clarity. You'll tell me what's weighing on you in my form, I'll dive into it before our call, and then we jump on a call to release those weights from your shoulders. You leave with action items and serious clarity, minus the cold water. 

2 days
1 60 minute meeting
Pre-work from me
Action items & to-do's through Notion board

After getting my hands into your brand, it's time for us to make sure everything is in order and you're leaving our work together feeling rejuvenated. 

self care

This is the fun part - time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Either way - you get to have some self care time, cause I've got this handled. 

it's go time

Time to get to know each other a little more & we're happy to hang some more - it's time for contracts and invoicing so we can get to the fun part. 

let's meet

You'll take a few minutes to let me in on your business & goals - then I'll review & reach out to you with next steps!



"Working with Emily was by far, without a doubt, the best and most pivotal thing I did for my business..."

I'm real good at seeing you for who you are to your core - and it's time to weave that into your content and your overall message. People want to know YOU - so show them. 

Look, I know you already have it within you - it's time to block out the noise and find what works for YOU.

 I can't tell you how many hours, days, weeks, months I wasted staring at my computer drawing a blank. One 60 minute meeting with Emily left me feeling like I actually can do this, and I don't have to do it alone. Now I put out content that i'm so proud of and my ideal clients are kicking down the doors to work with me" 

"Honestly, if you're not hiring Emily what are you EVEN DOING...

quote author name

Macaroon soufflé fruitcake sweet roll dragée I love candy canes caramels. I love liquorice pastry wafer dessert toffee. Caramels sesame snaps tart jujubes croissant cookie soufflé danish.


quote author name

Macaroon soufflé fruitcake sweet roll dragée I love candy canes caramels. I love liquorice pastry wafer dessert toffee. Caramels sesame snaps tart jujubes croissant cookie soufflé danish.