booking into summer 2024!

hello raine co.

Crafting brands that feel like coming home to yourself. 

Content & Brand Strategy

Brand messaging and content strategy for the creative, the kind, and the ambitious.

For the ones that think a little differently. You care a whole lot, and know how incredible you are at your craft. I’m just here to see your vision and run with it. 

If you know anything about Human Design, you'll know that this is my Projector-ness coming through (or my Aquarian Moon). 

Basically, I'm observant, attuned and see who you are. Branding is best when it's relatable, like you're reading a journal entry.. 

I'm tired of seeing y'all not blooming because you feel like you have to hide pieces of yourself to be 'professional'. Let's make this space a little more real - with you leading the way. 

I see you. you're ready to show up the way you've always wanted. 

because it's YOU that knows you best - I'm just here to help pull it all out of you so you can turn it into a brand

i'm emily!

My heart is always on my sleeve,  I feel my best in the forest, and  I'm the gal that sees you for who you really are (projector things). 

I crave a slow life to meander & lay in the moss, and am always down to get a  coffee (or a cheeky cocktail).

I'm here to be your guide in building a brand that just feels GOOOD. 

A brand that feels like you, so that you're able to live that slow life - I know you want clarity, more confidence and ease in your brand, and I couldn't be more honoured to be that person for you. 

It should build strong connections with your audience, allow you to create content with ease, and show the world why you’re the girlie for the job. 

But you're staring at your laptop, coffee cold, not knowing what to say or how to say it. Let's lean on what you already have inside of you: your personality, your sparkle. Next thing you know, you're going to be flowing with content ideas. No more cold coffee, friend - let's streamline this together. 


You know that your brand should do the heavy lifting for you - 

If you're someone who has the ability to pour the secret sauce for everyone else but draw the biggest blank when it comes to doing it for yourself, PLEASE do not sleep on her offers. I went from confused and unmotivated, to creating the content I've always dreamed of with ease"

"working with Emily was by far, without a doubt, the best and most pivotal thing I did for my business.

- carol, photographer & coach

Something that is SO important when you're building your business and trying to create content that creates movement within your flow. She's able to yank you out of all the stickiness and get you EXCITED about what's next, what's coming, and how to do it all in a way that speaks directly to your target audience" 

"Emily has this ability to see everything from a bird's eye view. 

I tossed around the idea of running ads for so long because I wasn't bringing in the people I actually wanted to work with. After working with Emily, she showed me that it's not about more eyes on your business, it's about the RIGHT eyes on your business and content that matches that. I am so excited about where my business is going and I owe it all to her" 

"Fuck your marketing budget, hire Emily instead.

email address

join me on my email list for always supportive, never spammy love notes. 

want more cozy vibes? 

Croissant tootsie roll jelly cookie croissant dragée. Chocolate candy gingerbread cookie marzipan icing cookie cheesecake chocolate.


Croissant tootsie roll jelly cookie croissant dragée. Chocolate candy gingerbread cookie marzipan icing cookie cheesecake chocolate.


Croissant tootsie roll jelly cookie croissant dragée. Chocolate candy gingerbread cookie marzipan icing cookie cheesecake chocolate.



Macaroon soufflé fruitcake sweet roll dragée I love candy canes caramels. I love liquorice pastry wafer dessert toffee.

the offer to change your life forever.